Thursday, January 18, 2024

So. yeah. Slacker much? Well, not really. I've been terribly busy...and busy getting all up in my head. About what? heh. Everything.
Theres been a delayed grief reaction to the loss of my mom. I'm moving into a place, finally after two years, where I can begin to be able to miss love the woman, if not the things that made her unkind. And thats been a challenge. A challenge I didnt' realize until I began coming out of it. I've been out of the loop with my SCA (Society for Creative Anacronism) families, too. I've not been super creative. I've been dismissive and avoidant when it comes to working for the greater good in my hobby. I was so burned out. SO burned out. Add that to missing my mom? Oh yeah.. and my dog, wee Slick, was diagnosed with CDD - Canine Cognative Disorder. Doggie Dementia. Homie's been sundowning hard... and it's horribly difficult to find motivation when you're not sleeping and pre-grieving your furry companion. Brooke, my younger daughter, moved to New Jersey, and is starting a life. She's met a gentleman and is finding her way, sans parental units. Jeeze... this feels like a lot lol I'm coming back, I think, though... and making some progress in regaining my creative focus. My need to "MAKE" is coming back.. and with it, a want to write about it. To share it.

Do you care? heh thats okay.. Sit with me a moment... We'll learn to care, again, together